I am inspired by the basic idea of sustainability as flourishing: balancing corporate profits with environmental and social wellbeing. I believe, however, that real sustainability can only be achieved through understanding different perspectives and willingness to search for common goals. In my daily life, I try to align my action according to this approach.
I am happy to accept contract enquiries when the clients are open to change, creativity and participation; when things do not have to stay as they are, and everybody is actively looking for new ideas; and, everyone has a say, and both diversity and disagreement are seen as exploitable potential for development.
Born in 1974, married, 2 children
Study of Forest and Environmental Sciences in Freiburg i. Brsg. (Germany) und Ås (Norway)
Received a PhD researching informal networks and their impacts on organizational learning capabilities
Business mediator according to the guidelines of the BMWA
Lecturing at universities in Germany, Switzerland, and Norway on topics like:
- Sustainability and Organization Development,
- Innovation and Business Transformation Management,
- Strategy Dynamics and Systems Thinking.
Project management for various organizations in Germany, Norway, and Switzerland.
Working languages: English, German, Norwegian
- BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
- claus rodenberg waldkontor gmbh, Germany
- Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, FHNW Basel/Olten, Switzerland
- FSC Arbeitsgruppe Deutschland e.V., Germany
- Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Schwitzerland
- Johnson & Johnson, Switzerland
- Kolping-Bildungswerk Paderborn gGmbH, Germany
- Lübecker Hafen-Gesellschaft mbH, Germany
- Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway
- SB Skog, Norway
- SAP Business Transformation Services, worldwide
- Thurn und Taxis Waldpflege GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
- Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Germany
- Viken Skog AB, Norway
- ZfS at University of Freiburg, Germany